What is CBD?

Posted by Happy Trails on Jan 13th 2024

What is CBD?

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol (CBD) is what we call a cannabinoid, or very simply put, a chemical compound that is found in the cannabis plant. Hemp and marijuana, as we know them, are two different sub-species of the cannabis plant family. Cannabinoids are found in both, in varying degrees. 

CBD has recently been brought into the spotlight for its enormous therapeutic potential, and unlike its counterpart THC, it does not cause the user to experience a high.

The Endocannabinoid System

Our body produces its own cannabinoids (called endocannabinoids) that interact with the endocannabinoid system (ECS) of the brain and body. The ECS is a regulatory system responsible for vital functions including immune support, mood regulation, memory, pain response, appetite, sleep, and more. Endocannabinoids sometimes may fall below a desirable level or become imbalanced. When this happens, we can experience many of the ailments people encounter every day (insomnia, mood disorders, pain, etc). Supplementing with CBD from a natural plant source like hemp can be extremely beneficial to counteract these imbalances.

What Can CBD Help With?

Preclinical evidence conclusively demonstrates that CBD is effective at reducing anxiety associated with PTSD, postpartum depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, and seasonal affective disorder, among others [1]. Countless studies show that CBD has the potential to aid in relief from anxiety and stress, reduce inflammation and pain, aid in after-workout recovery, and increase the quality of sleep. CBD has also been shown to have neuroprotective, antispasmodic, anticonvulsant, antioxidant and antidepressant properties [2].

There is on-going research to understand the positive effects CBD has on addiction to various recreational drugs, alcohol, and tobacco [3]. As we can see from its wide-range of health-promoting benefits, CBD is rightfully getting the attention it deserves. But wait, do you need to have an ailment or disease to use CBD? No, CBD can very simply be added to a daily routine to optimize health. Our bodies are always striving to be in homeostasis (which is another word for balance), and CBD helps us achieve that. Are you thinking you may want to try CBD for yourself? Let’s find out the various ways to consume it.

Methods of Delivery

CBD can be consumed in a variety of ways. There are CBD oils that can be dropped under the tongue, oils and concentrates that can be vaped, flower that can be smoked, edibles and capsules that can be ingested, and topicals that can be applied to the skin.

It is important to note that it can take up to two weeks for CBD to communicate with our ECS at an optimal level. As CBD communicates to certain receptors, our body is able to recalibrate and find relief from unwanted symptoms. For this reason, we encourage customers to try their product for at least 2 weeks before adjusting daily milligram intake. Being consistent is what will bring results. However, everyone is different and will respond to the various methods of delivery in their own way.

For example, Mary might feel immediate effects from vaping, but George only feels noticeable effects from ingesting a gummy. Metabolism, issues with absorption and many other lifestyle factors affect how someone may respond to CBD. With a little trial and error, consistency, and patience, we have no doubt you will find the best option for yourself.

It is recommended to disclose any medications you are taking to the cannabinoid consultant you are working with to avoid possible adverse reactions, and we advise working alongside your medical provider when starting a new CBD regimen. Please refer to our dosing guidelines to better understand how much CBD you personally need! One last thing…let’s touch on what products to reach for when buying CBD.

Not All CBD is the Same

With CBD being everywhere these days, it is becoming increasingly difficult to figure out what makes something a quality product. Do not be afraid to ask every question!

  • What is in this particular product?
  • Are there fillers and additives?
  • Where is this hemp sourced from?
  • How can this help with my ailment?

Feel free to ask to see a Certificate of Analysis, which is a lab report that discloses all of the information listed above and more. A knowledgeable CBD consultant should be able to answer these questions and guide someone to a quality product that is suitable for their needs.


Let’s bring it full circle:

  • CBD is a naturally occurring chemical compound found in the hemp plant.
  • CBD works with the body’s major regulatory system, the ECS, and aids in establishing homeostasis.
  • The therapeutic potential that CBD can offer to optimize health varies by how well one absorbs and metabolizes CBD, among other lifestyle factors.
  • Your method of delivery should be unique to you, what works best with your own ECS.
  • Finally, choose a product that is optimal for you – a product that fits into your lifestyle and your budget.

Happy Trails provides natural, cannabinoid-rich supplements derived from hemp. We pride ourselves on serving only quality CBD products, with the intention to educate first. From full-spectrum, to broad-spectrum, to isolate products for humans and even pets, we have something for everyone.


1. Blessing, Esther M et al. “Cannabidiol as a Potential Treatment for Anxiety Disorders.” Neurotherapeutics : The Journal of the American Society for Experimental NeuroTherapeutics vol. 12,4 (2015): 825-36. doi:10.1007/s13311-015-0387-1

2. Hampson, A J et al. “Cannabidiol and (-)Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol are Neuroprotective Antioxidants.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America vol. 95,14 (1998): 8268-73. doi:10.1073/pnas.95.14.8268

3. Prud’homme et al. Cannabidiol as an Intervention for Addictive Behaviors: A Systematic Review of the Evidence. Substance Abuse: Research and Treatment 2015:9 33–38 doi: 10.4137/SART.S25081

FDA Disclosure The statements made regarding these products have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The efficacy of these products has not been confirmed by FDA-approved research. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.