Wisconsin Legalization: Time to Embrace the Green Revolution

Posted by Happy Trails on Jan 16th 2024

Wisconsin Legalization: Time to Embrace the Green Revolution

It's Time to Embrace the Green Revolution

As of 2023, 21 U.S. States have legalized marijuana for recreational use, and 39 states have legalized it for medical use. Wisconsin is one of the 10 states that has complete prohibition of Cannabis - both medically and recreationally. But, Wisconsin is far behind when it comes to Cannabis. While over half of adult Wisconsin residents support legalization, there's still a long way to go before it becomes a reality.

States neighboring Wisconsin, like Michigan and Illinois, have recreational legalization. Other nearby states like Minnesota have a medical program for marijuana. So why is Wisconsin stuck in the middle with complete prohibition of the plant?

Wisconsin is Losing Millions to Michigan & Illinois

Since most of Wisconsin's neighbors have some form of legalization, many residents travel over the border to purchase legal marijuana. Whether it's driving up to Michigan or down to Illinois, many Wisconsin residents are making the trip every day. And these trips are costing Wisconsin millions in tax revenue.

A recent memo requested by Senator Melissa Agard suggests that in 2022, it is estimated that Illinois alone received $36.1 million in tax revenue from Wisconsin Residents traveling over state lines to purchase legal cannabis. It is also estimated that in Illinois dispensaries located in the areas bordering Wisconsin, about 50% of sales come from out-of-state residents.

Michigan does not track their data the same way as Illinois, so there is no data on how many out-of-state residents came to Michigan, but it is estimated to be around the same amount of residents that travel to Illinois, possibly even more since Michigan prices are known to be lower than prices in Illinois. There is a proven demand from Wisconsin residents for legal cannabis, and it's growing every year.

What is Wisconsin Missing Out On?

Wisconsin is far behind neighboring states when it comes to legalization, and residents of Wisconsin are tired of waiting. According to a Marquette Survey, in 2022, 61% of Wisconsin voters support legalization. And the numbers are growing, Marquette has been administering the same survey for years, and the numbers have been on a consistent increase in favor of legalization. Despite a majority of Wisconsin residents supporting legalization, there has been a standstill and seemingly no answer as to when legalization will happen.

In the meantime, Wisconsin is missing out on millions in tax revenue that could be used to support the State’s infrastructure. According to the 2022 Wisconsin Infrastructure Report Card, Wisconsin is rated a grade of “C” or lower in areas like Bridges, Drinking Water, Roads, and Transit. These upgrades and improvements cost a lot of money, and would need a large budget to execute. Legalizing recreational cannabis could bring back all of the tax revenue we are constantly losing to our neighbors year after year.


(2023, March 10). Illinois Marijuana Tax Collections on Sales and Estimated Wisconsin Resident.

New Marquette Law School Poll finds inflation fears up, pandemic fears down; marijuana legalization up, optimism about Wisconsin down; primary candidates not yet well known. New Marquette Law School Poll finds Inflation fears up, Pandemic fears down; Marijuana Legalization up, Optimism about Wisconsin down; primary candidates not yet well known // News Center // Marquette University. (2022, March 2). Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://www.marquette.edu/news-center/2022/new-marquette-law-poll-inflation-pandemic-marijuana-legalization-optimism-about-wisconsin-primary-candidates.php

Peterson, T. (2023, January 10). Motley marijuana laws drive consumers - and revenue - across state lines. The Pew Charitable Trusts. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://www.pewtrusts.org/en/research-and-analysis/blogs/stateline/2023/01/10/motley-marijuana-laws-drive-consumers-and-revenue-across-state-lines

Weisz, B. (2022, August). Cannabis State-by-State Regulations. Thompson Coburn.

Wisconsin Society of the American Society of Civil Engineers. (2020). Wisconsin 2020 Infrastructure Report Card. Retrieved April 19, 2023, from https://infrastructurereportcard.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/FullReport-WI_2020-1.pdf